Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 10 Nov 1954

Vol. 147 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Retail Prices (Display) (No. 1) Order, 1938.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if, in regard to the Retail Prices (Display) (No. 1) Order, 1938, he will state (a) the number of prosecutions for breaches of the Order during the past six years, (b) whether he proposes to extend the scope of the Order to apply to all towns and villages, and (c) if he will ensure that the terms of the Order are complied with in all cases.

During the past six years there have been 21 prosecutions for breaches of the Retail Prices (Display) (No. 1) Order, 1938. I am looking into the question of extending the Order to towns and villages not now covered. In the meantime I have drawn the attention of retail traders to the terms of the Order and to the penalties for noncompliance therewith.
