Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 30 Oct 1958

Vol. 171 No. 3

Committee of Selection—Sixth Report.

Tuairiscionn an Coiste Roghnaitheoireachta go bhfuil sé tar éis na comhaltaí seo a leanas d'ainmniú chun fónamh ar an gCoiste Speisialta ar an mBille um Leasú an Dlí (Díobhála Pearsanta), 1957:—

The Committee of Selection reports that it has nominated the following members to serve on the Special Committee on the Law Reform (Personal Injuries) Bill, 1957:—

Minister for Justice, Deputies Gerald Boland, Lionel Booth, James Carroll, Declan Costello, Vivion de Valera, Nicholas Egan, Seán Flanagan, James Gibbons, Charles Haughey, Denis Jones, Thomas A. Kyne, Denis Larkin, Thaddeus Lynch, Seán MacCarthy, Patrick McGilligan and Thomas F. O'Higgins.

I move that the report do he upon the Table.

Agreed, and ordered accordingly.
