Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 11 Feb 1960

Vol. 179 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Grant for Castlesow (Donegal) Works.


asked the Minister for Finance if he will make available a small grant for the purpose of surfacing the approach road, turning table, and protection wall at Castlesow, St. John's Point, County Donegal.

I assume the Deputy's question refers to the approach road to Cassan Sound in the townland of Killultan. A small grant was included in this year's minor employment scheme programme for the following work on this road.

"Repair worst sections of accommodation link road from the county road at Michael Ellison's land south to James Gallagher's house and north west to the same county road with branch by Francis O'Donnell's house."

I am not sure that this is precisely what the Deputy has in mind and I shall ask our local engineer to make further enquiries into the matter, at the first suitable opportunity.

All I ask the Parliamentary Secretary to do is to give a small grant to his good neighbours, the fishermen of St. John's Point, for the surfacing of the pier head and the turn table at the pier head and the little link road from Gallagher's Cottage to the pier head. A small grant would do the job and I am sure the Parliamentary Secretary will oblige his good neighbours, the local fishermen.

His supporters, you should say.

The question did not make any specific reference to the pier. I happen to know the pier very well and I think that the county council is at the moment responsible for its maintenance and repair. It is under consideration.
