Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 11 Feb 1960

Vol. 179 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Castletownbere Pier


asked the Minister for Lands whether he has received a report from his technical advisers on the proposal to erect a new pier at Castletownbere; and, if so, if he will indicate the action proposed to be taken.

I have not received a report from my technical advisers on this proposal but the matter is being examined.

When does the Minister expect to see the report, in the light of his previous statement that it would be at hand early in January?

I understand a report has now been received in the Department and is under examination by the people concerned.

Would the Minister please repeat his answer to my Question? I understood him to state in his direct reply that he had not yet seen the report. Now, in answer to my Supplementary Question, he states the report is at present in the Department. Surely the two statements are contradictory?

No, except that the Deputy, in his usual way, is trying deliberately to misrepresent me. I have said I have not seen this report. I have been informed it has been received in the Fisheries Section and is under examination there by the experts, but it has not yet come to me.

Will the Minister say if it is his policy, when a member of this House addresses a Question to him on a particular subject, not to read the report mentioned in the Question?

I read all the reports necessary.

Is the Minister deliberately flouting the regulations governing the setting down of Questions in this House?

What regulations have been flouted by me?

One was when the Minister gave me wrong information here the last day and then wrote to me.

Is the Minister aware——

Sell the Japanese sewing-machines in England now.

Deputy T. Lynch should not interrupt in this manner.

Would the Minister be in a position to send a statement to the Secretary of the Cork County Council in time for the next meeting of this body?

That is a separate question. I do not know what statements the Deputy requires.

If I repeat this question next week, will the Minister state that the particulars I seek will be made available?

I will state no such thing. I cannot decide this matter until this report is examined and until I have an opportunity of considering the matter.

I shall put it down next week again.

By all means.
