Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 1 Dec 1960

Vol. 185 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Set-down Stops.


asked the Minister for Justice whether in view of the fact that the decision to remove set-down stops in O'Connell Street, Dublin, has aggravated rather than eased the traffic problem, it is proposed to restore these stops and to seek alternative methods of solving this problem.

The Commissioner, Garda Síochána, has informed me that after consultation between the police and C.I.E. authorities certain changes were made in bus stopping places in O'Connell Street in July last.

Before these changes were made observations were taken over a lengthy period on the general pattern of traffic in the street and its vicinity and when the changes were being effected consideration was given to (a) the convenience of the bus-travelling public and (b) the necessity for increasing the flow of traffic through the street.

Subsequently, police observations went to show that the objectives set out above were achieved. The police authorities have been advised by C.I.E. that in their opinion the position has definitely improved, permiting their services to run to schedule.

It may be that the beneficial effects of the new arrangements are not yet fully apparent because they have been accompanied by changes in the general traffic pattern of the street due to diversion of traffic caused by road reconstruction work which has been going on for some time in streets in its immediate vicinity.

On termination of these road reconstruction works a further survey will be carried out of the traffic in O'Connell Street and, should conditions warrant further reorganisation of the bus stopping places, this will be effected.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary not aware of complaints by bus travellers and aged persons who are obliged to walk longer distances, sometimes with heavy parcels, as a result of the new stops? Many of these people are not strong. It is a great hardship on them to have to walk long distances with heavy parcels.

They want the stops restored to the more convenient places in O'Connell Street.

So far as we have been able to establish it, only one bus route is affected in the way the Deputy suggests. We have a change in mind in regard to that bus route which should meet the objections.
