Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 23 Mar 1961

Vol. 187 No. 9

Ceisteanna-Questions Oral Answers. - Improvement of West Cork Piers.


asked the Minister for Finance whether he has received a number of proposals for the improvement of slips and piers in West Cork; and, if so, if he will indicate the position regarding each such proposal.

The information sought by the Deputy is set out in a statement which with the permission of the Leas-Cheann Comhairle will be included in the official report.

Following is the statement:—

Cases in which grants have been sanctioned:


Improvement of pier—offer of grant made and decision by County Council awaited.

Dursey Sound

Improvement of landing facilities. Works are nearing completion at mainland sit and will be commenced at the inland site when County Council have acquired site and right of way.

Lehanebeg, Cahermore

Construction of a quay and approach roads. Work will be commenced when County Council have made accommodation road.

Cases in which engineering reports are under consideration:

Dromkeal, Bantry

Improvement of Sand Quay.

Tragawla (Bere Island)

Improvement of slip.

Cases surveyed and engineering reports in preparation:


Provision of a slip.


Improvements at pier.


Erection of a breakwater.

Firkeal (Glengarriff)

Cleaning and dredging at pier.


Construction of a breakwater.

Gerahies (Lochan)

Improvement of landing facilities.

Myross (Blind Harbour)

Repairs to landing slip.

Pallas (Ardgroom)

Extension of pier.

Cases not yet surveyed:

Bere Island (East End)

Extension of Slip and Storm wall.

Lough Hyne (Barlogue)

Improvement and Extension of Pier.

Oilean Na gCaorach (Bere Island)

Removal of Rock and erection of a Shelter on Slip.

Reen (Castletownshend)

Extension of Pier.
