Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 23 Nov 1961

Vol. 192 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Marking of Sheep: Financial Loss on Exports.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if he is aware that subsidy (almost as high as one hundred per cent. of the value) payable on sheep exported from this country to Great Britain and Northern Ireland is being withheld on account of the mutilation of the animals' ears by owners' marks; and, if so, if he will bring to the notice of all sheepbreeders and farmers through the medium of the radio, press and his Department's officials the financial loss which they will sustain by continuing to mark their sheep by ear-nicks or punching.

I have received no complaints in this matter. My Department is having inquiries made and, if it appears likely that ear marks on some store sheep being exported may affect their eligibility for subsidy under the British Fatstock Guarantee Scheme, appropriate advice will be given to those concerned.

The Minister will appreciate that it is very essential that such advice should be given before the coming lambing season. It has been the custom of certain breeders to brand their sheep with an ear mark. This mark is now considered mutilation and breeders are being victimised.

The Department is undertaking investigation into the matter and I am sure they will take action if they find it is necessary to do so.
