Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1961

Vol. 192 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Display of Notices on Publicans' Premises.


asked the Minister for Justice whether he is aware that licensed vintners in Cork South-West have been requested to display prominently outside their premises a notice indicating their name and stating the terms of their licence; and whether in view of the inconvenience caused and the lack of necessity for the strict enforcement of this regulation he will consider withdrawing it.

The provision to which the Question relates is not a regulation but a statutory requirement. There is a connection between the requirement and the technical proofs necessary in prosecutions for after-hours sales and other such offences. I do not propose to intervene in the matter.

Will the Minister agree that it is only within the past month or six weeks that this regulation has been enforced?

It is not a regulation.

The statutory obligation was allowed to lapse because it arises from Acts of the nineteenth century. The most recent one is the 1927 Act. Conditions have so changed that this statutory obligation was never enforced until a month ago. It is confined to a particular chief superintendent's district, which is unfair. There is absolutely no necessity for it.

I am afraid that there is a very real necessity for the enforcement of this statutory requirement. There was a case recently in which a difficulty of proof arose. It is because of that difficulty and the connection between proving certain matters in court and this statutory requirement that the decision was taken to have it enforced in future.

What adverse effects were there on the community? It was not in force for a number of years. There seemed to be no reason for it. What adverse effects has it had on the community?

If the statutory requirement with regard to these notices is not complied with, then difficulty arises in the prosecution of certain licensing cases. Because it is necessary that these prosecutions should be taken and the law enforced, it is equally necessary to have this statutory requirement as to the putting up of these notices adhered to.

Is the Minister not further aware that every publican in the country is improving his business? They feel that if they are to comply with this regulation, it will have an adverse effect on the appearance of a number of public houses.

I do not accept that.

This is an argument.

Surely the Minister does not agree it is necessary?

It is a statutory requirement and a completely reasonable one. For technical reasons, its enforcement is necessary.

It is one that in this particular case is applied only to south-west Cork.
