Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Feb 1962

Vol. 193 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Law Reform Proposals.


Mr. Ryan

asked the Minister for Local Government whether any proposals of law reform are contemplated by him in relation to the work of his Department; and, if so, the nature of such proposals, and the probable date when legislation implementing them will be introduced.

The following proposals for law reform as already stated publicly are under consideration:

Electoral Law Bill to deal with the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Electoral Law and to revise that law in other respects. It is not yet possible to say when the Bill will be introduced.

Local Government (Planning and Development) Bill to repeal the Town and Regional Planning Acts, 1934 and 1939, the Advertisements Regulation Act, 1907, and certain allied provisions of other Acts and to substitute a new planning and development code. It is hoped that the Bill will be introduced before the Summer adjournment.

Local Government (Repeal of Enactments) Bill to repeal obsolete provisions relating to local authority borrowing. It will be ready for introduction soon.

Sanitary Services Consolidation Bill to modernise the law relating to the sanitary services. I cannot say when the Bill will be ready for introduction. Local Government (Sanitary Services) Bill. It is hoped that this Bill will be introduced before the Summer adjournment. Although it is not strictly a law reform Bill, certain of its provisions relating to water charges and air pollution involve some modernisation and clarification of the existing law.

Private Housing Bill to consolidate and amend the legislation governing grants and loan facilities for private housing. I expect that this Bill will be introduced before the Easter adjournment.

Housing (Local Authorities) Bill to integrate the Labourers Acts and the Housing of the Working Classes Acts. It is not yet possible to say when the Bill will be ready for introduction.

Is there any possibility that the Bill may be introduced before the Summer Recess?

There is a distinct possibility, though I should not like to be tied to that.

When will the Town Planning Bill be introduced?

I said I hoped before the Summer Recess: in other words, during the next session.
