Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 27 Nov 1963

Vol. 206 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fair Trade Commission Report on Profiteering.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether, with reference to his statement that he expected to have a report very shortly from the Fair Trade Commission in regard to some cases where it appeared that collective action had resulted in profiteering, he has received the report; and, if so, what are the commodities involved; and what action he proposes to take.

Arising from investigations by the Fair Trade Commission into cases which appear to involve collective action by traders to inflate prices unduly or to eliminate competition between themselves, I have received certain preliminary reports from the Commission. I am examining these reports with a view to deciding what action, if any, I should take. I think it would be undesirable to disclose particulars of the cases at this stage.
