Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 6 Feb 1969

Vol. 238 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers. - Health Service White Paper.


asked the Minister for Health if the proposals in the White Paper on Health Services will come into effect this year.

The proposals in the White Paper — such as the expansion of the district nursing services and the improvement of the services for the care of the aged — which do not require new legislation are being progressively implemented. It will not be possible to implement during the current year the other White Paper proposals which are provided for in the Health Bill, 1969.

Could the Minister state when the other proposals in the White Paper will come into effect?

Would the Minister say when he will have the Bill ready for publication?

Mechanical difficulties are holding it up. I should say two or three weeks.

Can we hold the Minister to that?

I sincerely hope so.

In point of fact it is not quite a question of mechanical details. There were certain amendments to the Bill which I agreed to make as a result of discussions with certain medical groups.

The Minister wisely decided to amend it before he published it, unlike some other Ministers.

Will the Second Reading take place on the 18th, as promised by the Minister?

On the 18th, or as soon as possible thereafter. It was fixed for the 18th.

We will have the Electoral Bill out of the way by then.

I hope it will be the 18th but, if not, then the following week.
