Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 14 May 1969

Vol. 240 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Yield from Budget Taxes.


andMr. Barry asked the Minister for Finance the amount of revenue which will be derived from the latest Budget impositions on 20 cigarettes, an ounce of plug tobacco, a pint of stout or beer, a glass of Irish whiskey, a glass of brandy, a glass of Scotch whisky and a gallon of petrol.

The answer is in the form of a tabular statement which, with your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to circulate with the Official Report.

Following is the statement:


Amount of revenue derived from the duty increases announced in the recent Budget*


20 standard size plain cigarettes


Ounce of plug tobacco

2.27 to 2.33†

Pint of stout or beer of average gravity


Glass of Irish whiskey


Glass of brandy


Glass of Scotch whisky


Gallon of petrol


* In addition, turnover tax is payable at the rate of 2½% on the resultant retail price increases.

† The variation is due mainly to differences in moisture content.


asked the Minister for Finance the total amount of tax, including the tax imposed in the Budget introduced on 7th May, 1969, on (a) a packet of 20 cigarettes, popular brand, (b) a pint of beer and (c) a pint of stout.

The approximate duty content of a packet of 20 standard size plain cigarettes is 4s and of a pint of beer or stout at average gravity is 1s 4.9d. In addition, turnover tax is payable at the rate of 2½ per cent on receipts from retail sales of these items.
