Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 11 Nov 1969

Vol. 242 No. 4

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Water Pollution.


asked the Minister for Local Government if the Government have any legislative proposals to deal with the ever increasing problem of water pollution throughout all river and water supplies in Ireland.


asked the Minister for Local Government if in view of the irrevocable damage which could be caused to the tourist industry by the ever increasing problem of water pollution he has any plans or legislative proposals to combat this dangerous situation.


asked the Minister for Local Government if, in view of the report that Tolka pollution has now reached a danger level and that the river has been described as clinically dead, he will state what steps he intends to take, including if necessary the introduction of legislation, to deal with this problem.


asked the Minister for Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the reported remarks of Dr. Arthur Dewhurst of the Institute of Industrial Research and Standards about the pollution of the Tolka river; and whether he has or is aware of any plans to remedy the insanitary and unhealthy condition of the Tolka.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 27, 28, 29 and 30 together. As I indicated in my reply to a number of recent questions. An Foras Forbartha has, at my request, already set up a water resources division. The work of this division will extend to all problems arising out of the rational utilisation of our water resources including surveys and investigations into all aspects of water pollution. It is only in the light of the division's investigations that a decision can be taken as to the appropriate measures to deal with the problem, including the introduction of new legislation, should such be required. As regards the River Tolka it is a matter for the sanitary authorities concerned to take whatever action they consider necessary to improve the position.

For the information of the Minister the problem in regard to the River Tolka is basically a problem of dumping; there is no problem about investigation. The fact is that the river in certain parts——

The Deputy is making a speech. He should ask a question.


What legislation does the Minister intend to bring in?

A Deputy

A Corkman telling us about the River Tolka.


Will the Minister tell us what he intends to do about the Tolka?

I have already told the Deputy.

What have you told me?

It is a matter for the sanitary authorities.

The Minister knows that there is no legal protection against dumping——

The Deputy cannot make a speech, he should ask a question.


Arising from the Minister's——

Does the Deputy know where it is?

I will tell the Minister where the insurance blocks are in the city before the end of the week. He should hang on for the adjournment on Thursday and I will tell him where he stands.

Is the Minister aware that approximately ten years ago his Department received a deputation from Offaly County Council——

About the Tolka?

——and at that time approximately 180,000 gallons of crude sewage was flowing into the Brosna each day and the Department considered that it was not necessary to take any action even though the sewage had not been treated? Will the Minister say when he is prepared to have steps taken——

The Deputy cannot make a speech, he can ask a question.

I am asking the Minister if he is aware of this? This was over ten years ago and action now may be a bit late in regard to the many rivers which have been polluted?

I am not a member of the Offaly County Council.

The Minister's Department received that delegation and since then two people who were on the deputation have died and——

The Deputy may not proceed to make a statement on this.

In view of the fact that I am not satisfied with the reply I should like to raise this matter on the Adjournment.

The Chair will communicate with the Deputy.

Would the Minister agree that before any investigation there is legislative need to prevent further dumping in the Tolka? Would the Minister give any indication to the House whether he is aware of the gravity of the situation and will he bring in the necessary legislation?

I am aware of the condition of the Tolka and, as I informed the Deputy, it is a matter for the sanitary authority.

Will the Minister give any guarantee about bringing in legislation to prevent dumping in the Tolka and in other rivers?

The sanitary authority will deal with the matter.

Is the Minister in a position to say when legislation will be brought before the House in relation to this matter?

What legislation?

Legislation in regard to pollution.

There is no legislation in preparation.


Can the Deputy not raise it on the Adjournment?
