Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 4 Dec 1969

Vol. 243 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - System Building Factory.


asked the Minister for Local Government whether there are any plans to utilise the system building factory in Ballymun, Dublin, on a parmanent basis in an effort to provide more houses.

A decision in regard to the future use of this factory is one which must be taken by the commercial concern which now owns it. It is open to this firm to tender for local authority housing schemes, to propose suitable individual housing projects to housing authorities, or to use the factory products for private enterprise building. Dublin Corporation have already entered into contracts for the provision of 288 flats at Keogh Square and 128 flats at Coolock-Kilmore, using the products of this factory. It is understood that further projects of a similar nature are under consideration by housing authorities in the Dublin area.

Would the Minister not agree that this is a plant into which a great deal of investment has gone, and that it could provide a means to help in the housing drive if it could be used on a permanent basis? I understand that transport costs are militating against its use by other local authorities. Would the Minister agree that some arrangement should be made under which it could be used on an all-the-year-round basis to help in the housing drive?

I agree that it is desirable to use this extra building capacity for this purpose as much as possible.

Will the Minister agree that the situation is serious enough to merit his Department entering into it and arranging for its use rather than simply allowing it to be developed or otherwise by commercial interests?

I think the local authority appreciate the desirability of keeping this building capacity available and in operation.

Does the Minister agree that the existence of this plant merits any interest from his own Department directly?

Yes, it has that interest. It is available all the time.

Would the Minister elaborate on that interest?

No. I am not prepared to elaborate on it.

The Minister has a limited interest in it?

No. It would not be there but for my colleague.

The Minister's predecessor was prepared to do something. The Minister did not do anything with it yet.

He did nothing and the Minister did less.

By bringing it in, he reduced the housing problem in Dublin to manageable proportions to the consternation of the Opposition parties, and particularly the Labour Party. I have arranged for further utilisation of this extra building capacity which my colleague created——

The Minister will not tell the House about it.

——in the manner which I have specified here by the provision of 288 flats at Keogh Square and 128 flats at Coolock-Kilmore.


It is because of the action taken by my predecessor that the housing problem has been reduced to manageable proportions in this city.

Ask the homeless people about that?

That is what Shakespeare meant by the "insolence of office".
