Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 4 Jun 1970

Vol. 247 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Córas Tráchtála Sales Promotion.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether the sales efforts announced last year by Córas Tráchtála in the Trucial Sheikhdom of Sharjah are continuing; and if so with what result.

I understand from Córas Tráchtála that no sales efforts were announced by them last year in the Trucial State of Sharjah. An exhibition of Irish goods was held there but this was sponsored and organised by a private firm. However, the representative recently appointed to the Middle East jointly by Córas Tráchtála and a group of firms will include the Trucial States in his operational area.

Figures of trade with the individual Trucial States are not available, but exports to these States as a whole were £26,249 in 1969, compared with £5,643 in 1968, and were £19,471 in the first quarter of 1970.

Arising out of the Minister's misleading reply, may I ask if his attention has already been drawn to an article in volume 3, No. 1, for 1969 of the publication Export published by Córas Tráchtála, Teoranta, which reveals the fact, not divulged by the Minister in his reply, to wit, that, in connection with the sales effort launched by Messrs. McIlvenna, Sons and Associates, of which the directors were D. M. McIlvenna, Seán F. Lemass, Mr. Leydon, V. P. Phillips, J. I. Fitzpatrick, J. Murphy and D. P. McIlvenna, the parties of McIlvenna group, directors and their associates, were accompanied by Mr. Eric Crampton, marketing adviser to Córas Tráchtála——

It is not in order to quote from documents at Question Time.

I am not quoting; I am paraphrasing. If you saw the document, Sir, you would realise that I am paraphrasing with great skill.

The Deputy has been making a long statement and has been giving information instead of asking for information.

This is important. It is a record of an effort made, with semi-official support by a State organisation. The Minister has been endeavouring to conceal this fact from the House. I think I am within my rights in asking for a true and correct and full answer from the Minister. Will he please give it?

I have given a straight, correct, complete and full answer in this regard. The statement just made by Deputy Cruise-O'Brien indicates that he accepts that Córas Tráchtála did not sponsor a sales effort last year because, in the paraphrasing or quoting in which he indulged a moment ago, he said that a private firm was involved in the promotion of a sales effort——

——accompanied by a Córas Tráchtála, Teoranta, sales adviser on two occasions.

The Deputy asked me if Córas Tráchtála sponsored or announced a sales effort by them. I have told him the truth. There was no avoidance of the truth. If Deputy Cruise-O'Brien wants to twist the situation, he is free to do so and is expert at it.

The Minister gave a reply about sales in the Trucial States. Would the Minister please say what the effect on these sales was by the failure of the company I have named owing many thousands of pounds in the Sheikhdom of Sharjah? Would he give us particulars about that?

I replied to a question on that matter on another occasion in the course of which I said it had not any appreciable effect. The figures I have just announced here show that the exports to those States were £19,000-odd for the first quarter of this year in comparison with £26,000 altogether during the previous financial year. This establishes beyond doubt the special efforts being made and there is no question at all of covering up anything.
