Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 15 Jul 1970

Vol. 248 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Rock of Cashel Guides.


asked the Minister for Finance whether he is aware of concern in Cashel arising from the recent appointments of guides to the Rock; if he will state the procedure followed in the appointments; whether they were advertised; the qualifications and conditions prescribed; the number of applicants; and the number appointed, and if, in view of the anxiety over this whole matter, he will hold a public inquiry into the appointments.

Two head guides and four guides have recently been appointed at the Rock of Cashel for the current tourist season. The posts were open to candidates from the locality who are conversant with local history, especially the history of the Rock of Cashel, are reasonably fluent in Irish, have a good speaking voice and a pleasant friendly manner. A conversational knowledge of one continental language was desirable but not essential.

The posts were advertised locally. There were 27 applicants for the posts of guide, and two for the posts of head guide. All applicants were called for interview. Two did not attend. The interviews were conducted by representatives of the Commissioners of Public Works and of the South Eastern Regional Tourism Organisation on whose recommendation the appointments were made. I am not aware of any concern in Cashel arising from these appointments and I do not consider it necessary to hold a public inquiry into the matter.

Would the Parliamentary Secretary not agree that on this occasion he allowed his office to be used for political patronage of a most flagrant kind and that the main essential in this matter was a knowledge of skullduggery? Would the Parliamentary Secretary not agree that the only way by which we can allay anxiety in Cashel is by having a public inquiry into the matter? There was no element of fair play in the matter and the appointees in the main were members of the Fianna Fáil Party in the town and district and, indeed, in the main also are relatives of the local TD?

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware of the tremendous appreciation there is of the Board of Works, and indeed of the Parliamentary Secretary's personal work, in regard to the guide system on the Rock of Cashel? Furthermore, I cannot help it if Deputy Treacy backs the wrong horse.

Is it not a fact that four of the appointees are cousins of Deputy Davern and is this not a disgraceful situation?

That is an untruth. Three.

I should like to make——

Three of them are?

I should like to make one thing very clear, Sir. The interview board consisted of representatives of the Office of Public Works and of the South Eastern Regional Tourism Organisation and I am assured that the best qualified and most suitable applicants were recommended for appointment. I have the fullest confidence in the selectors. I just approved of the recommendations that came up to me.

May I ask, Sir, if I understood Deputy Davern correctly, that he admitted to three cousins out of the four appointees?

For Deputy FitzGerald's information, could I point out that we are a very prolific family and have very many relatives all over the county?

All in Government jobs.

Nobody was asked what his relationship was to anybody at any time.


Question No. 19.

Disgraceful and flagrant jobbery.

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say why no unemployed person capable of acting as guide was not employed in the circumstances?

Because all of Deputy Davern's cousins are employed.

I am very sorry that the Parliamentary Secretary allowed his office to be used in this manner.

Plums of office.
