Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 16 Dec 1970

Vol. 250 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Devlin Report.


asked the Minister for Finance if and when it is proposed to introduce legislation to implement the recommendations of the Public Services Organisation Review Group.


asked the Minister for Finance whether he will make a statement on the present position with respect to the implementation of the Devlin Report received by him over a year-and-a-quarter ago.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose taking Questions Nos. 69 and 70 together.

The Report of the Public Services Organisation Review Group recommended an implementation programme in which the first priority was the establishment of the Public Service Department. Pressure of other parliamentary business prevented the introduction of the necessary legislation during the present Session but I hope that it will be possible to have it enacted during the coming Session. I intend to make a comprehensive statement concerning the report when moving the Second Stage of the enabling Bill.

Are there any other recommendations of the Devlin Report which the Government have accepted in principle but which require legislation?

There are three main groups of proposals in the Report of the Public Services Organisation Review Group affecting the structure and organisation of the public service; the management of the public service and the distribution of functions between Departments and other bodies. Chapter 17 states:

Unless the whole concept is put into effect through carefully programmed stages, the results we envisage will not be attained.

It is further stated:

The first priority is the establishment of a Public Service Department.

As I said in the reply to the original question, this is proposed to be done in the coming Session. Legislation is necessary, yes.

What steps have been taken as regards appointments to this Department? Have secretaries to be appointed? Have other posts been decided on and advertised?

Yes, an assistant secretary has been appointed who is acting as secretary until the Department is set up.

Have other posts been decided on and advertised?

Management advisory committees have been set up in the various Departments. A committee of this type has been in operation in the Department of Finance in conjunction with others.

Have other posts been decided on and advertised? I understand there will be three assistant secretaries in this Department? Have the posts been advertised or what is the position?

New posts will have to be advertised and I understand that rearrangements in existing staff in the Department of Finance——

No, my understanding is that three posts will be advertised, open to people outside the public service.

Two posts.

What is the position about those posts?

This will be a matter for the Civil Service Commission.

But what is the position? What is happening? Have they been advertised?

We cannot advertise if the Department is not established. We did not have an opportunity of getting the enabling Bill.

I am just asking the question: have you or have you not advertised?

I have not that information here but I shall communicate with the Deputy. I do not think we have.
