Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 21 Jul 1971

Vol. 255 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Care of the Aged.


asked the Minister for Health when it is proposed to bring into effect the scheme which provides for the care of the aged in their own homes.

A wide range of services are provided by health boards and voluntary organisations for the care of the aged in their own homes. These services include general medical practitioner, nursing and ancillary services for eligible persons, meals and laundry services, home visitation and information services. Clubs and day centres exist in a number of areas, providing occupational services and social amenities for the elderly as well as services of social workers, chiropodists and other professional personnel. In addition to normal direct payments by the health boards in respect of these services, e.g., the salaries of district medical officers and district nurses, the current health budget includes a sum of £200,000 to enable them to make grants in the current year to voluntary bodies which provide new services for the aged or to expand ones they are already providing.

Under the Health Act, 1970, health boards are empowered to provide a home help service. The manner in which that service should be provided and the date from which it is to operate are under consideration.
