Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 27 Jul 1971

Vol. 255 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Royal Canal Cleaning.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power if steps will be taken to clean the Royal Canal in view of its unsightly condition and the danger to health arising from it.

I have been informed by CIE that since the last cleaning in 1970 of the Royal Canal in the city area further dumping of refuse has taken place and that a programme of cleaning and general tidying will be commenced in the next few weeks between Charleville Mall and Glasnevin.

Would the Minister not agree that it is very difficult to reconcile the holding of a conservation year by the Government with allowing an open cesspool to run through our capital city, which is not solely the result of refuse being dumped but of the presence of weeds and scum which give a very offensive smell and are possibly a health hazard?

The whole question of the canals is under consideration at the moment with a view to their transfer to the Office of Public Works, and I would hope to have legislation here in the next session dealing with this.

Could the Minister say why the cleaning of the canal is to cease at Glasnevin? Why can it not be continued further west?

I shall have that investigated.

Is the Minister stating that when the canals are transferred to the Office of Public Works they will then be cleaned regularly and, by inference, that CIE are neglecting this?

As far as navigation is concerned, which is CIE's interest in our canals, that is no longer relevant to their carrier interest. It would be more appropriate to have canals under the supervision of a body that would regard them as an amenity attraction. This is the thinking behind the proposed legislation.
