Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 14 Mar 1972

Vol. 259 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Wandering Horses.


asked the Minister for Justice whether he is prepared to introduce more effective measures towards dealing with the continuing dangers and menace arising from the fact that scores of horses are wandering on the roads of north-west Dublin.

Within the past 12 months in the north-west Dublin area more than 200 horses have been impounded by the Garda and more than 80 persons have been prosecuted for permitting animals to wander.

The problem has been due in large measure to the existence of an area of unfenced land, belonging to the Dublin Corporation, where horses are turned out to graze by their owners. The Garda have no power to deal with horses on corporation or on private lands and can only impound horses found on the public roads. Following discussions last November between the Dublin Corporation, the Garda Síochána and my Department, the corporation established a team to make frequent visits to lands held by the corporation and drive any horses they find thereon to corporation pounds. The Garda provide any protection which the team need for their operations. The Garda believe that the new measures adopted by the corporation have reduced the problem considerably.

In January of this year I made an order increasing pound fees by 50 per cent and I hope that this increase will also help to reduce the problem.

What is the present penalty?

The penalty is set out in the Road Traffic Act and, as far as I remember, it is a fine not exceeding £50. I said in my reply that I increased the pound fees in January of this year by 50 per cent.

Would the Minister not make representations to his colleague, the Minister for Local Government, to have these corporation lands properly fenced?

Apparently the corporation have some difficulty in this regard, but they have established a group of employees who remove horses from these lands.

Is the group of employees too lazy to fence the land?

I cannot say that. The Deputy will have to take that up with the corporation.

All I can say is that there is a great deal of evidence of laziness all over the place while this Government are in office.
