Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 14 Feb 1974

Vol. 270 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Pig Meats Diversification.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries the proposals, if any, his Department has for the diversification of pig meats, with particular reference to foreign market outlets.

It has all along been the policy of my Department and of the Pigs and Bacon Commission to foster the diversified processing of pigmeat, particularly for export markets. A substantial trade to Britain in different pork cuts has been developed and bacon sides also are being cut to various specifications for that market. Pork in the form of special cuts is also being supplied to the Italian market. One bacon factory has for some years past established a totally diversified trade in cured pigmeat products and another factory has recently undertaken a special canned ham and bacon export project to the USA.

The Pigs and Bacon Commission is taking further measures to promote the export of bacon and pork in diversified form to the greatest extent possible in order to reduce our vulnerability to price fluctuations associated with the traditional carcase trade.

I accept the Minister's answer as being factual. Would he agree with me that every effort should be made to encourage those involved to greater heights with regard to diversification in this very important field?

Every effort is being made and every inducement is being offered.
