Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Apr 1975

Vol. 280 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Parliamentary Secretary's Duties.


asked the Minister for Education if he will give an assurance that the recent assignment of additional duties as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry and Commerce to his Parliamentary Secretary will not mean a diminution in the importance attached to sport and recreation; if he will state a date by which his Parliamentary Secretary may be expected to return to wholetime duties with special responsibility for sport and recreation in his Department; and if he will make a policy statement on physical education in the context of the development of the National College of Physical Education in Limerick.

Mr. R. Burke

I do give the assurance sought by the Deputy and, in the light of that, I would ask him to accept that the assumption of additional duties does not lessen the importance which the Parliamentary Secretary attaches to his special responsibility for sport and recreation.

In the matter of policy in regard to physical education it is, of course, intended to continue encouraging its development in our schools and colleges and supporting the important contribution which the National College of Physical Education makes to that development.

Can the Minister state what portion of the Parliamentary Secretary's time now is spent on sport and recreation activities?

Mr. R. Burke

Sufficient to perform the duties with his customary assiduity.

That means none.

Has the Minister changed the regulation with regard to recognition of time spent by teachers on sport and recreation in vocational schools?

That is a separate matter, Deputy.

I submit, a Cheann Comhairle, it arises directly from the question, the importance of sport and recreation.

The duties of the Parliamentary Secretary are involved.

Could the Minister say, with regard to the National College of Physical Education in Limerick, whether his Department approached any of the universities with a view to having them confer a degree on the graduates of the National College of Physical Education?

Mr. R. Burke

Yes, an approach was made.

To how many university colleges?

Mr. R. Burke

To the university college in whose area, under the Act, the college lies.

What was the result of the approach?

Mr. R. Burke

It was not successful as of this time.
