Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 25 Jun 1975

Vol. 282 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Architectural Competition.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he has stopped the architectural competition sponsored by Dublin Corporation; when it will be restarted; and if the provision of housing in the City Quay and Irishtown areas will be delayed because of the stoppage.

I have not stopped this competition. What I have done is to recommend to Dublin Corporation that their brief be amended to omit references to restricting room sizes to minimum standards and to conform with my policy of securing high standards in public housing. The corporation have agreed and have notified participants in the competition accordingly. The change will not give rise to any delay in the competition.

I want the high standard now operating in local authority houses to be upheld in this scheme in Dublin city centre.

Can the Minister say whether whatever changes he has recommended in respect of this housing scheme will apply nationally?

They have been applying nationally for more than 18 months past.

The Deputy is delaying the House in extending the scope of this question.

Can the Minister say what are the changes?

If the Deputy puts down a question to that effect, I shall be glad to give him the long list of changes.

Has the Minister proposed any changes in the ceiling heights published in the original document circulated by Dublin Corpora-tion—2.4 metres?

If Deputy Molloy puts down that question, I shall be glad to answer it.
