Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 22 Jul 1975

Vol. 284 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - School Amalgamations.


asked the Minister for Education the present policy of his Department in relation to the amalgamation of national schools.

Mr. R. Burke

I have nothing to add to the statement of policy in this matter which was circulated with the Official Report of the Dáil on 12th December, 1974.

Would the Minister agree that the only thing which appears to be considered by the Department in the amalgamation of schools is the question of finance and the saving of a teacher's salary?

Mr. R. Burke

No, the primary consideration is the educational opportunity for the children.

Would the Minister agree that social and educational matters are not considered in the amalgamation of schools?

Mr. R. Burke

I would not agree in respect of educational considerations.

Would the Minister tell the House who has the final say in the amalgamation of schools?

Mr. R. Burke

As I said in my reply, I have already placed my policy on the Official Reports of the Dáil on 12th December last.

The Minister has not answered my question. Who has the final say in the amalgamation of schools?

We have already had that question.

Is it the Department or the Minister? Who decides?

Mr. R. Burke

If the Deputy looks at the statement to which I referred he will find a full outline of my policy in this regard.

Have parents a say in school amalgamations?

Mr. R. Burke

That matter is covered in the statement referred to.

I am not satisfied with the answer given by the Minister. When a Deputy puts down a question he is entitled to an answer. Yes or no would suffice in many instances but the Minister has refused to do this.
