Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 9 Dec 1975

Vol. 286 No. 7

Written Answers. - Transport of Dangerous Substances.


Mr. Kitt

asked the Minister for Labour if, having regard to the statutory regulations on the safe transportation of dangerous substances by road, he will make a statement on the recent discovery of a barrel of cyanide near Portumna, County Galway.

My Department is preparing sets of safety regulations relating to the importation, manufacture, storage and conveyance of explosives and the storage and conveyance of petroleum. These regulations will be made under the Dangerous Substances Act and are intended to up-date and extend the existing safety precautions in the handling of dangerous substances.

The Dangerous Substances Act is largely an enabling measure, which will permit me to make regulations which will require that all practicable steps are taken to prevent risk of injury to person or property in the conveying, loading and unloading of any declared dangerous substance. The Dangerous Substances Act can be brought into force as soon as the drafting of regulations dealing with explosives and petroleum is completed. In addition, other chemical substances which might be dangerous are being investigated. The results of this investigation will enable me to decide which ones should be specially designated under the Act and how best these could be covered by safety regulations.

I understand that you have been informed by the Minister for Local Government that Article 96, Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment and Use of Vehicles) Regulations, 1963 provides, inter alia, for the safe loading of vehicles generally.
