Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 19 Apr 1978

Vol. 305 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Vegetable Market.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if he is satisfied with the operation of the Dublin wholesale vegetable market from the point of view of the producer of vegetables; and if he will take any action in the matter.

I am aware that the limited space in the Dublin wholesale market and its location in a congested area of the city are unsatisfactory for the producer delivering his produce and for the efficient handling and quick throughput of perishable vegetables. The market is a municipal one and the question of improvement or moving to a new site is primarily a matter for the municipal authorities and the firms who operate in the market.

May I ask the Minister if he believes that this market complies with EEC regulations in relation to the marketing of vegetables and, if an inspection were to be carried, it would pass? Is the Minister aware that money is available from the EEC for replacing such markets with more satisfactory ones, and will he take steps to ensure that we apply for such aid from the EEC to replace the present market with a more satisfactory one on a less congested site?

This market is owned by Dublin Corporation and is not the direct responsibility of the Department of Agriculture. Funds are available from the EEC through the FEOGA scheme and this includes funds for the provision and aiding of a new Dublin wholesale market. This money will be available to promoters of a new market if they see fit to go ahead with it.

Would the Minister agree that while traditionally this may have been an appropriate matter for the Dublin Corporation, in modern circumstances, given the technical nature of the vegetable industry and the many other concerns which Dublin Corporation have to deal with and which are unrelated to agriculture, it would be more appropriate if the Department of Agriculture were to take a leading role in piloting the application for EEC aid and in having such a new market built? Does the Minister not consider that the Department should do more than they are presently doing in relation to this matter?

The Department give all the assistance that it is possible for them to give but it is not at present the responsibility of the Department. I am sure they will give all the assistance they can in promoting the new venture.

Has the Minister for the Environment any responsibility in this area and, if so, can he induce the corporation to expedite the matter as the market is now 80 years old?

I have no information in my brief as to whether the Minister for the Environment would have any say in the matter.

May I ask the Minister if his Department have had any direct communication from Dublin Corporation regarding the future of the market or if his Department, bearing in mind the unsatisfactory state of the marketing of vegetables, have communicated directly with Dublin Corporation?

I have no information on that matter.
