Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 19 Apr 1978

Vol. 305 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Meat Marketing.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if he has considered the McKinsey Report on marketing opportunities for agricultural processed meat products which found that packed and processed products command a higher added-value than carcase products, and which recommended the development of a stable long term market for such products; if he agrees with such findings; and if he proposes to take any positive steps to pursue this objective of discouraging the export of animals on the hoof while encouraging processed packed meat products.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if it is a fact as reported in the McKinsey Report that marketing efforts have, with few exceptions, been diffused and fragmented; and, if so, the steps that have or will be taken to remedy this serious defect in a potentially valuable trade.


asked the Minister for Agriculture the steps, if any, that are being taken to improve the availability of Irish meat products in overseas markets in accordance with the McKinsey Report.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if, in order to increase employment and to help fund a Stateowned food processing industry in rural Ireland and to discourage the wasteful practice in the livestock export trade, he will take powers to impose a levy on all animals exported from the Republic on the hoof.

With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle I propose to take Questions Nos. 10 to 13, inclusive, together. While I agree that our livestock should, to the greatest extent possible, be processed in Ireland, nevertheless I regard the continuance of a live export trade as essential to maintain balance and competition in the industry. In any event I am advised that a levy on exports of live animals for any of the reasons mentioned would be "a charge having an equivalent effect to a customs duty" and as such would be prohibited by the Treaty of Rome.

Many of the recommendations in the McKinsey Report have been incorporated in a plan for the food processing industry which has recently been put forward by the Food, Drink and Tobacco Federation of the Confederation of Irish Industry. The Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy and I recently discussed this plan with the Federation.

The Study refers to areas in our beef industry that will require special attention, in particular greater production of processed products and improved marketing. I intend to take all possible steps to facilitate the achievement of these objectives. In this connection, I am, for example, currently pursuing with the EEC Commissioner for Agriculture possible ways of removing or offsetting anomalies in the MCA system, which hinder exports of processed beef.

Arising out of Question No. 13, which was asked by Deputy Browne, I did not hear a specific reply to the last part of that question, which asks if the Minister will take powers to impose a levy on all animals exported from the Republic on the hoof?

It is not proposed to impose a levy as it is felt that it would not be justified.

The Minister mentioned measures which he proposes to take in favour of the processed beef trade, but can he say what other measures he has in mind to promote beef processing?

There are more things involved in this matter than MCA's. It is not possible for me to say at this stage what steps can be taken, but it is something that will be encouraged by the Minister for Agriculture.

The Minister referred to a study he had received from the CII which contained a number of ideas. May I ask him what other ideas are in that study or in any other study which he is prepared to act on?

I have not that information in my brief.

If I put down a further question, would the Minister give me the information?
