Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 31 May 1978

Vol. 307 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers . - HEA Library Facilities .


asked the Minister for Education if he will state the proposals that are under consideration for the expansion of library facilities at each of the institutions under the control of the Higher Education Authority.

: It would not be appropriate for me to refer to proposals which may have been made by the institutions concerned to the Higher Education Authority before decisions on these have been made by the authority and relevant proposals communicated to me by it.

Within this context I desire to provide the following information in relation to major proposals being implemented, or approved for implementation, for the improvement of library facilities in the institutions in question—

UCD: The infill of the undercroft of the Arts/Commerce Library at Belfield is nearing completion; this will provide some reader spaces, storage area, and service facilities. An outline schedule of accommodation is under examination in connection with a proposal to provide phase II of the library;

UCC: A new library is currently under construction at an estimated cost of £2.6 million. A new computerised cataloguing system is also being provided at the College;

UCG: Provision of additional storage accommodation including heating, decor and shelving in the voids area of the new library has recently been approved;

St. Patrick's College, Maynooth: An undergraduate arts library facility has been provided in the new arts building, and financial provision is being made for increased book acquisition;

TCD: A reading room is being provided in the Arts Building, now nearing completion.

: Could the Minister tell me when a decision on phase 2 of the library at UCD will be taken? I know it is under consideration, but in view of the density of pupils using the present library facilities could he give a clear indication when phase II will be sanctioned and will commence?

: I can only repeat what I said in the formal answer to the Question, that an outline schedule of accommodation is under examination in connection with the proposals to provide phase II of the library.

: Would the Minister now treat phase II as urgent in view of the population on the Belfield campus, and would he ask the HEA to deal with the matter?

: The HEA are statutorily constituted and have obligations independent of the Minister in this regard.

: The Minister can surely advise and request.
