Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 31 May 1978

Vol. 307 No. 2

Written Answers . - Funds from EEC .


asked the Minister for Finance the total amount Ireland is expected to receive from the EEC in 1978, with details of the amount from each fund.

: It is difficult at this stage of the year to provide accurate estimates of the amounts of payments in grants and subsidies likely to be received from the various EEC funds in 1978. Such estimates at this stage are subject to a wide margin of variation. For example receipts under the FEOGA Guarantee Section, which account for the vast bulk of the estimated receipts, are liable to be affected by variations in trade and by changes in MCA levels as a result of currency fluctuations, while receipts under the Regional and Social Funds will be influenced by EEC grant approvals in 1978 and by the pace of implementation of approved projects. Subject to the foregoing, estimates for Ireland's receipts in 1978 are as follows:


FEOGA—Guarantee Section


(This estimate includes an estimated amount of £115 million in respect of UK and Italian MCA import subsidies which have been administered by Ireland in respect of Irish exports to the UK and Italy since 17 May 1976.)

FEOGA—Guidance Section


European Social Fund


European Regional Development Fund


Other miscellaneous sources




In addition to the above amounts it is estimated that an amount of £3.3 million will be received by Ireland as a result of Community regulations on social security for migrant workers.
