Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 25 Apr 1979

Vol. 313 No. 9

Written Answers. - Fourth European Development Fund.


andMr. Kavanagh asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the consultations, if any, it is proposed to have with any of the Irish voluntary and professional organisations involved in development co-operation to prepare Ireland's initial position regarding the negotiation of the Fourth European Development Fund.


andMr. Kavanagh asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he has sought the opinions of the following organisations (details supplied) regarding the negotiation of the Fourth European Development Fund; and, if so, if it is proposed to invite submissions from such organisations prior to Ireland's position on this matter being finalised.


andMr. Kavanagh asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the preparations the Government have made for the negotiation of the Fourth European Development Fund with the ACP countries and if he proposes to present to the Oireachtas the Government position on the role of the Fourth European Development Fund prior to any decision being reached by the EEC Council of Ministers with the ACP countries.

I propose with the permission of the Ceann Comhairle to take Questions Nos. 121, 123 and 124 together. I assume that these are intended to relate to the Fifth European Development Fund, as the Fourth Fund was established in 1975.

In reply to a previous similar question from Deputy Quinn, I pointed out that the question of the 5th EDF arises in the context of negotiations with the ACP countries towards a successor agreement to the Lomé Convention. I said at the time that as the financial aspects of the negotiations were being left to a later stage, the Community had yet to formally consider the matter. This is still the position and it would be premature and inappropriate for the Government to make public at this stage any position which Ireland will take in the European Community consideration of the question. Ireland will, of course, contribute actively to determining the appropriate volume of funds which the Community could contribute to co-operation with the ACP States under the new convention. I do not consider it necessary that there should be consultation on this issue with voluntary and professional organisations involved in development co-operation such as those listed by the Deputies. I will of course be very pleased to receive submissions from these or any other interested parties on this question.
