Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Apr 1982

Vol. 333 No. 8

Written Answers. - National Manpower Service.


asked the Minister for Labour if he will outline the services provided by the occupational guidance service of the National Manpower Service; and how, when and the extent to which these services are available in Counties Meath and Westmeath.

The occupational guidance service of the National Manpower Service provides specialist advice and guidance to job seekers with problems of occupational choice and assists them to come to informed decisions about the choice of a career and their future working life.

The guidance service is a referral service from the NMS placement service. Job seekers who register with the National Manpower Service are interviewed initially by a placement officer who will refer a client to the guidance service if it is felt that he/she would benefit from guidance. In 1981 a total of 2,663 persons were dealt with by the occupational guidance service.

The service for Meath and Westmeath is as follows: a guidance officer visits the NMS office in Navan as required to cater for Meath and so far as Westmeath is concerned a guidance officer is available between the Athlone and Mullingar offices on three days of each week. He also visits the Castlepollard area if and when the need arises. The service provided in the counties is adequate to meet the present needs.
