Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 19 Oct 1983

Vol. 345 No. 1

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when arrears of unemployment assistance will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Carlow.

All arrears of unemployment assistance due to the person concerned from 28 February 1983 to the beginning of June 1983, when weekly payment commenced, have been paid. However, further inquiries which were undertaken about his means during the period from 21 October 1982 to 26 February 1983 were only recently completed. He has been assessed with nil means during this period and his claim has been allowed at £84.65 weekly, the appropriate weekly rate of unemployment assistance payable to him at that time and arrangements have been made to pay the arrears due this week.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when a deserted wife's allowance will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Carlow.

The person concerned is at present in receipt of deserted wife's allowance at the weekly rate of £69.40 which is the maximum rate for a woman with three qualified children. The allowance has been in payment since November 1978.

Following a recent review of the case it has come to light that the claimant may not for a time have been satisfying the conditions for receipt of the allowance. Investigations are at present being carried out with a view to clarifying the position.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason a person (details supplied) in County Waterford did not receive disability benefit; and the reason no decision has yet been issued arising out of the appeal which was held on 24 August 1983.

The person concerned was awarded disablement benefit at the rate appropriate to disablement assessed at 5 per cent in respect of the period from 19 November 1982 to 18 October 1983. He appealed against the decision in April 1983 and following an oral hearing of the appeal on 24 August 1983, he submitted additional medical evidence. In view of the evidence, arrangements were made for his examination by a second medical referee on 4 October 1983 which however was not carried out due to the referee being unable to conduct the session.

Arrangements have been made for the further examination to be carried out on 11 November 1983 following which the appeals officer will then determine the appeal.

The claimant last claimed and was paid disability benefit from 29 July 1983 to 27 August 1983. He was paid disablement benefit on 22 November 1982 in respect of the 11 month period to 18 October 1983.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when unemployment assistance will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Carlow.

The person concerned last applied for unemployment assistance on 6 September 1982 but his claim was disallowed on the grounds that by refusing to reveal details of his means he failed to show that his means did not exceed the statutory limit.

On 8 May 1983 he appealed against the disallowance and his case was referred to a social welfare officer to afford him an opportunity of disclosing his means before referring the matter to an appeals officer. The social welfare officer called to his address and ascertained that the applicant was in hospital. If and when he notifies his local office that he is available for interview his case will be investigated and his entitlement to unemployment assistance will be determined in the light of the outcome.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying disability benefit to a person (details supplied) in County Carlow.

The person concerned was paid disability benefit from 10 August 1981 to 3 September 1983 after which date payment was disallowed following her examination by a medical referee who expresed the opinion that she was capable of work.

She appealed against the disallowance and in connection with her appeal, arrangements have been made to have her re-examined on 20 October 1983 by a different medical referee. Her entitlement to further payment of disability benefit will be reviewed in the light of the medical referee's report following this examination.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying unemployment benefit to a person (details supplied) in County Carlow as he has been signing since August.

The entitlement to unemployment benefit from 29 August 1983 of the person concerned could not be determined until inquiries to establish that he was capable of, available for and genuinely seeking work had been completed.

Following the completion of the investigation his claim was allowed at the weekly flat-rate unemployment benefit £54.80 and £1.91 pay-related benefit and all arrears due were paid to him on 7 October 1983.

Further weekly payments continue to be made to him as they become due.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when unemployment assistance will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny as he has been signing since July.

The person concerned is not entitled to unemployment assistance as the means assessed against him, £36.00 weekly, derived from the value of board and lodging on his brother's holding exceed the maximum weekly rate of unemployment assistance payable to him.

It is open to him to appeal and to have his case determined by an appeals officer. A form for this purpose may be obtained at his local office.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if a full old age pension at the maximum rate will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Galway from 15 June 1982, which is the date he signed the deed of transfer to his son.

It has been decided by the local pensions committee that the person concerned is entitled to old age pension at the maximum weekly rate of £34.45 plus £17.30 adult dependant allowance with effect from 24 December 1982. This is the date that the application for an increase in pension was received in this case and is the earliest date from which payment of an increase may be made under the relevant legislation. His pension was increased to £38.60 plus £19.40 adult dependant allowance from 1 July 1983.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when unemployment benefit at the full rate will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Galway as he has been unemployed since 4 January 1983 and to date has not received any money; and the reasons for this delay.

It has not been possible to trace receipt of a claim to unemployment benefit or assistance which refers to the person named in the details supplied.

Further inquiries in the matter will be made if the Deputy will furnish additional information to enable the person concerned to be identified.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the number of people drawing small farmers dole in Tralee and Listowel employment exchange areas, County Kerry.

At the end of September 1983 868 farmers in the Tralee employment exchange area and 627 farmers in the Listowel employment exchange area were in receipt of unemployment assistance.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the number of small farmers whose small farmers dole has been discontinued since the budget, in the Tralee and Listowel exchange areas, County Kerry.

Up to the end of September 1983, 82 farmers in the Tralee employment exchange area and 71 farmers in the Listowel employment exchange area have ceased to be entitled to unemployment assistance following a factual assessment of their means.
