Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 19 Oct 1983

Vol. 345 No. 1

Written Answers. - Natural Gas Pipeline to North.


asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he will ensure that a connection to the natural gas pipeline to the North will be provided to allow service for the following areas: (i) Swords, (ii) Malahide, (iii) Portmarnock, (iv) Lusk, (v) Rush, (vi) Skerries and (vii) Balbriggan.

A number of the areas mentioned by the Deputy, namely Swords, Malahide and Portmarnock fall within Dublin Gas Company's statutory supply boundaries and the development of these markets is, therefore, a matter for that company. I have been informed by the company that they expect to extend their supply network to areas located to the north east of Dublin City on a phased basis starting from 1985.

On foot of the understanding concluded earlier this month between the Irish and British Governments on the supply of natural gas to Northern Ireland, I have instructed Bord Gáis Éireann to commence a planning programme encompassing the design and routing of the proposed pipeline. A range of factors will have to be taken into account in the final route selection, including the proximity of potential markets to the proposed route. In this regard it is my intention that the design of the pipeline will include provision for offtakes at a number of points. However, the prospects and timeframe for extensions to centres adjacent to the pipeline, including some of those mentioned by the Deputy, will depend on the economic and technical feasibility of such projects.


asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he will ensure that Irish materials and services will be used in (a) the construction of the gas pipeline to the North; and (b) the grid which will be constructed to serve towns and districts using the gas.

I am extremely conscious of the need to maximise the use of Irish goods and services wherever possible. I can assure the Deputy that every effort will be made to ensure the maximum Irish participation in the projects mentioned by the Deputy. It is my intention to adopt the same measures as those used in the successful Cork-Dublin pipeline project where an Irish content of approximately 70 per cent was achieved. This was the maximum possible given that the principal materials involved, the pipes and fittings, were not available from Irish sources.
