Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 20 Nov 1984

Vol. 354 No. 1

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.


asked the Minister for the Environment the reason for the delay in paying a new house grant due to a person (details supplied) in County Limerick.

There has been no delay by my Department in dealing with this case which has already been the subject of a number of inspections. Following the last inspection in November 1983 the applicant was requested, in writing, by my Department to carry out certain works. There was no indication that these works had been completed until the Deputy's representations in the case were received last month. The relevant file was then referred on 31 October 1984 to my Department's inspector for investigation and report with a view to payment of the grant, if in order.


asked the Minister for the Environment when a house improvement grant will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Offaly.

This grant has been paid.


asked the Minister for the Environment the reason a house improvement grant has not been granted to a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary; and if this decision will be reconsidered.

A grant cannot be approved in this case because, contrary to a statutory condition of the scheme, the work had commenced prior to an inspection of the house.


asked the Minister for the Environment if a new house grant will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford where the work is fully completed.

An incomplete new house grant application was received from the person named and he was requested in March 1982 to forward house plans, a specification of construction and the date of execution of his mortgage deed. When these documents are received from the applicant, his file will be referred for inspection with a view to approval and payment of the grant, if in order.


asked the Minister for the Environment when he will give approval for works under the house improvement grant scheme to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford whose premises were inspected some time ago and who is anxious to commence building immediately.

House improvement grants totalling £1,600 have been approved in this case.
