Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 13 Dec 1984

Vol. 354 No. 12

Written Answers. - Disabled Person's Maintenance Allowance.


asked the Minister for Health the reason widows whose husbands were in receipt of an allowance from a health board cannot obtain the allowance for a period of six weeks after the death of husband, as is available in respect of his Department's benefits.

I presume the Deputy is referring to the disabled person's maintenance allowance. Although there is no statutory provision to enable payment of a disabled person's maintenance allowance to a widow for a period of six weeks after the death of her husband, health boards generally adopt a flexible and, indeed, sympathetic approach in such cases and usually arrange for immediate payment of supplementary welfare allowance to the widow until such time as her State benefits become payable.

If the Deputy has a particular case in mind perhaps he would let me have the details and I will have the matter investigated.
