Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 29 Jan 1985

Vol. 355 No. 4

Written Answers. - Grant and Mortgage Subsidy Payments.


asked the Minister for the Environment when the application for house improvement and sewerage grants will be approved for a person (details supplied) in County Dublin.

The application in this case was for the installation of sewerage facilities and the building of a bathroom. A grant of £200 has been approved for the provision of the sewerage facilities. However, a grant cannot be approved for the proposed bathroom as a previous house improvement grant was paid in respect of this house in 1980 which is within the ten year waiting period specified by regulation as a qualifying condition for such a grant. The applicant has been so informed.


asked the Minister for the Environment the reason for the delay in having an inspector call on a person (details supplied) in County Limerick who is waiting for an inspection on his new house so that his grant and mortgage interest subsidy can be paid; and when the inspector will call on this applicant.

There has been no undue delay in dealing with this case. The house was not occupied when an inspector called last November; following further inspection on 18 January 1985 it was confirmed that the house was complete and occupied by the applicant. The grant will be paid as soon as possible and arrangements will be made for payment of the first instalment of the mortgage subsidy following the receipt in my Department of the claim form duly certified.
