Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 6 Jun 1985

Vol. 359 No. 4

Written Answers. - Safety Standards at Sports Grounds.


asked the Minister for the Environment if, in view of the two major disasters at football matches in Bradford and Brussels, his Department are undertaking any inspection of safety standards at sports grounds in this country; if the examination of the need for specific legislative controls in relations to sporting events, which he referred to in the Dáil on 20 October 1983 has yet been completed; if it is his intention to introduce legislation setting safety standards for sporting events or other outdoor activities involving large crowds; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The Fire Services Act, 1981, makes it clear that the proprietor and management of a premises frequented by the public are responsible for guarding against the outbreak of fire and for ensuring, as far as is reasonably practical, the safety of persons on the premises in the event of a fire outbreak. Following the tragic fire at Bradford football club, my Department issued a circular to all fire authorities (Who are responsible for fire safety enforcement within their functional areas) drawing their attention to the need to inspect all premises covered by the Fire Services Act, 1981, including sports stadia, for fire safety purposes. Extracts from a copy of booklet entitled “Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds” published by the British Home Office was enclosed with this circular.

Earlier this year I asked My Department to prepare a regulation making it an indictable offence to lock an exit or obstruct an escape route in any premises while it is in use for public assembly purposes. This regulation will be introduced immediately following completion of consultations which are now taking place. In relation to the construction of buildings for the purposes of sporting activities or events, including grandstands and other like facilities, the provisions of the proposed building regulations will ensure that such facilities are safe both from a structural and a fire safety viewpoint.

In regard to other aspects of safety at sports grounds I would draw the attention of the Deputy to the replies given by the Minister for Justice to Question No. 9 on 30 May 1985. In addition, the Minister of State at the Department of Education has become involved, in association with the relevant sporting bodies in considering safety and crowd control measures at sporting fixtures and has circulated a copy of Recommendation No. R (84) 8 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to all local authorities and to the major sporting organisations. The recommendation relates to the reduction of spectator violence at sporting events and, in particular, at football matches. The Garda Síochána normally consult with the organisers of major sporting events with a view to determining the security arrangements which may be appropriate. Consideration is being given in my Department to what additional measures may be necessary in relation to events which involve large crowds.
