Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 23 Oct 1985

Vol. 361 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers - New Year's Honours List.


asked the Taoiseach if he will consider the introduction of a New Year's honour list or some alternative means of honouring Irish men and women who have made an outstanding contribution to Irish society.

The matter is not under consideration at present.

In view of the many Irish men and women who have distinguished themselves throughout the world over the years and who have been honoured in other countries, would the Taoiseach not agree that it is possible and desirable that we should introduce some means to honour our own people in their own land?

The matter has been raised at various points in the past and different Governments have considered it. It is not under consideration at present. It is something that would obviously have certain merits but the Government are concerned to give priority to other and more urgent matters at present.

Is the Taoiseach aware that there is a scheme which was put forward in our time in Government to honour young people who had distinguished themselves? The name of the scheme is Gaisce, the President's award. Because some ceremony in connection with that scheme is to take place next Monday, is the Taoiseach prepared to make a statement to the House on what is involved?

That seems to be a separate question.

It is very much related. It is supposed to deal with honouring Irish men and women who have made an outstanding contribution to Irish society.

It is a scheme whose objective is to challenge young people between the ages of 15 and 25 to use their leisure time for positive development and the betterment of their communities. It is being launched by the President at Aras an Uachtaráin on 28 October 1985.

I asked the Taoiseach, in view of the fact that this ceremony is taking place next Monday, would he not think it appropriate to make a statement to the House about this scheme and what exact form it will take, so that the House may have an opportunity to consider it and so that the House can consider whether or not this whole matter has been politicised by the Taoiseach and the Government.

I do not know how I can be accused on the one hand of undue silence and on the other of politicising it.

What did the Taoiseach say? I am asking the Taoiseach does he not think it proper to make a statement giving information to the House about this new scheme in which we are all interested, as the first ceremony in connection with it is to take place next Monday.

The Deputy has not put down a question about it.

(Limerick West): There is a question.

There is, I understand, an invitation from an individual to people to come to Áras an Uachtaráin next Monday to inaugurate this scheme and this House knows nothing about it. We have not had an opportunity to talk about it.

That is a separate question.

Will the Taoiseach take action to see that this scheme is not politicised?

The suggestion that a scheme being launched by the President is politicising it is one that I would not go along with.

I am not saying that. It is not this party who dragged the President into politics——


Hear, hear.

——as the Taoiseach well knows. I am concerned about the manner in which the Government are handling this scheme and, if the Taoiseach will not give us any information about it, I can only conclude that he has something to hide regarding it.

I would be happy to furnish the Deputy with any information he wishes about it and if he wants to discuss the matter with me I will be happy to do so.

Will the Taoiseach make a statement tomorrow, availing of Standing Orders?

It does not warrant a statement in the House but I will certainly communicate with the Deputy. If the Deputy is lacking in information I will certainly help him.

The Taoiseach is aware that the ceremony in connection with this matter is taking place on Monday and this House knows nothing about it although it is a national scheme in which the President will be involved.
