Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 23 Oct 1985

Vol. 361 No. 1

Written Answers. - House Construction Statistics.


asked the Minister for the Environment the number of houses built in 1984 by voluntary housing organisations; and the counties in which they were erected.

In 1984 voluntary housing organisations provided, with assistance from my Department, 55 units of accommodation in Counties Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Sligo and Westmeath.


asked the Minister for the Environment the number of houses erected in 1984 under the co-operative housing scheme; the counties which were involved in this scheme; and if he is satisfied with the assistance given by local authorities.

I understand that a total of 210 houses were provided in 1984 by co-operative groups operating in Counties Cork, Dublin and Wexford. In December last a circular was sent by my Department to all local authorities urging them to provide every possible advice, encouragement and assistance to co-operative groups and outlining the various ways in which this could be done, including the nomination of a liaison officer by each authority.
