Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 12 Nov 1985

Vol. 361 No. 8

Written Answers. - Public Service Pay Claims.


asked the Minister for the Public Service if he will give details of all special/grade claims that have (a) been signed by the arbitrator and not paid, (b) that are at arbitration stage but not signed, and (c) that are committed by the Government under previous pay rounds.

The following is the information requested.

(a) Special/grade claims that have been signed by the arbitrator and not paid.


Details of claim


Civil Service

(i) Watch Supervisors (ATCO II) in Air Traffic Control Section

For Allowance of £826 p.a.

Allowance increased to average increment in pay scale w.e.f. 1/1/85.

(i) Assistant Principal, Principal and analogous grades in the Civil Service

For c 43% pay increase

3% from 1/1/863% from 1/7/86 (interim award)

(iii) Local Government Auditor, Department of the Environment

For Principal Officer (standard) scale — c 22% at max

9% (1983 PSPA phasing)

(iv) Assistant Regional Director, National Manpower Service, Department of Labour

For Assistant Principal (standard) scale — 13.6% at max

Assistant Principal (standard) scale — 13.6% at max (1983 PSPA phasing)

(v) Assistant Agricultural Inspectors

For 40% pay increase

Engineer III scale awarded without first point — equivalent to average increase of 26.4%


(i) Teachers

For special pay increase (amount not specified)

10% in two phases — 5% from 1/9/85 and 5% from 1/3/86.

Health area

(i) Health Board Fire Prevention Officers

For parity in pay and conditions with Second Fire Officer in local authorities

Claimants pay to be related to that of Third Fire Officer, Cork Corporation pending future claims

(ii) Senior para-medical Grades

For review of pay differentials

Improved pay scales recommended.

(iii) Assistant Matron in Psychiatric Unit, Galway Regional Hospital

For application of Chief Nursing Officer salary scale

Payment of an allowance recommended.

(iv) Maintenance Supervisors in health boards other than the Eastern Health Board

For salary revision

Increase in pay recommended.

(v) Night Superintendents and Night Sisters

For increase in night duty premium

Concession recommended in accordance with clause 4.7 of 1983 PSPA

(vi) GMS Pharmacists

For 16% increase in fees and doubling of advance payment

5% increase in fees and 50% increase in advance payment recommended.

Local Authorities

(i) Civil Defence Officers and Assistant Civil Defence Officers

For higher salary scales

Increase in pay recommended.

(ii) Town Engineers, Bray and Tralee

For salary revision

Increase in pay recommended (clause 4.7 of 1983 PSPA applicable)

(iii) Third Fire Officers, Cork Fire Brigade

For removal of a pay anomaly vis-à-vis Station Officers

Increase in pay recommended

(iv) Rent Investigation Officers, Dublin Corporation

For salary revision

Upgrading recommended.

(v) County Development Officers (non-designated counties)

For pay parity with County Development Officers in designated counties (almost 15%)

Concession recommended.

(vi) County Finance Officers

For 35% increase in pay

Phased increase of 15% recommended

(vii) County Secretaries

For 35% increase in pay

Phased increase of 15% recommended

(b) Special/grade claims where arbitration hearings have taken place but where signed arbitration reports have not yet been received.

This part of the question has been taken to cover claims where arbitration hearings have taken place but where signed arbitration reports have not yet been received.


Details of claim

Civil Service

(i) Executive Officers acting as Registrars in District Court

Allowance of £600 p.a. sought.

(ii) Engineer I and related grades

c 26% pay increase sought

(iii) Foresters

Increase of 15% and restructuring of scales sought

(iv) Senior Supervisory Agricultural Officers

Area Superintendent scale sought

(v) Senior Operator, Inplant Unit

Unspecified pay increase sought

(vi) Chief Technical Officer, Department of Defence

Assistant Chief Engineer (OPW) scale sought

(vii) Certain Higher Agricultural Officers

Supervisory Agricultural Officer scale sought.

(viii) Certain Supervisory Agricultural Officers

District Superintendent scale sought.

(ix) Group Leaders, Land Registry, Department of Justice

Substantial Allowance sought.

Health Area

(i) Matrons of Welfare Homes

On-call allowance sought.

(c) Special/grade claims that are committed by the Government under previous pay rounds

I take it that, in this part of the question, the Deputy is referring to claims which are still in the process of being negotiated and which may be regarded as committed under the national plan. As publication of any such list might itself prejudice the outcome of the cases involved it would be inappropriate to provide a list at this stage.
