Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 17 Dec 1987

Vol. 376 No. 11

Written Answers. - Limerick VEC Employee.


asked the Minister for Education the reason a person (details supplied) in County Clare who is employed by Limerick Vocational Education Committee at Moylish college is not being paid a salary at the medium point of the L1-6 salary scale, which is appropriate to his work experience and educational qualifications.

Permanent wholetime teachers employed in third level VEC colleges are normally placed on the minimum point of the appropriate salary scale on first appointment. A vocational education committee may on the basis of previous relevant experience and level of salary submit for consideration a claim that a teacher be placed on a higher point of the scale. Each such case is considered on its merits.

The person named in this case was asked to supply a statement from his inspector of taxes showing his total income for the 12 month period prior to his appointment to a lecturer post with the VEC. This statement has not been made available and accordingly my Department is not in a position to sanction additional increments.
