Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 27 Jan 1988

Vol. 377 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Census of Population.


asked the Taoiseach when the Central Statistics Office will publish the detailed figures for the Census of Population 1986, including the figures for district electoral divisions.

Final 1986 census of population results for the State as a whole classified by age, marital status and household composition and giving totals for each county were published in November 1987.

Detailed final 1986 census results incorporating figures for district electoral divisions, wards, towns, etc., have been published on a county-by-county basis since July 1987 in a series of local population reports. To date 26 reports have been published for counties and county boroughs. Five reports remain to be published for County Donegal, Cork County Borough, County Cork, Dublin County Borough and County Dublin and these are expected at the rate of one per week between now and end-February.

Is there sufficient information published to enable a revision of the Dáil constituencies to be considered?

As I have indicated, we are still awaiting the five reports. With regard to the revision of Dáil constituencies, that is a matter for the Minister for the Environment.

Does the Minister anticipate that five weeks from now when the final one of these reports has been received, this work will then commence?

This question deals with the appropriate figures for the census of population.

The Taoiseach has an inordinate interest in how this will be answered. He is standing beside the unfortunate Minister of State, almost ready to strike him down.

I would like to remind Deputy O'Malley that that is a separate question and he should put it down to the Minister for the Environment.

Perhaps I should explain that I was trying to ascertain the depth of Deputy O'Malley's anxiety about this matter.

Before the Taoiseach leaves the House may I inquire why a question which I tabled to him for oral answer today has been transferred to the Minister for Foreign Affairs? It is a totally non-contentious question which reads as follows: To ask the Taoiseach——

Deputy Griffin, please. The Deputy knows how anxious I would be to facilitate him but not in this fashion. The Deputy is out of order.

To ask the Taoiseach if it will——

I am sorry the Deputy is continuing in this fashion. He is completely out of order. No. 17.
