Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 26 Apr 1988

Vol. 379 No. 9

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when a decision will be made on the repeat unemployment assistance claim of a person (details supplied) in County Wexford who completed supplementary claim papers on 22 February 1988.

The person concerned claimed unemployment assistance in May 1987 and following investigation he was assessed with means of £109.65 weekly derived from the profit from his holding. He did not appeal against the means assessment although it was open to him to do so. He is, accordingly, currently in receipt of unemployment assistance of £13.55 weekly being the appropriate maximum rate payable in his case of £123.20 less means of £109.65.

The person concerned applied for a review of his case in February 1988 and his papers were referred to a social welfare officer for reinvestigation of means. These inquiries will be completed as soon as possible and his case will then be submitted to a deciding officer for assessment of means.

His entitlement to unemployment assistance will be reviewed in the light of that decision.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the long delay in transferring a person (details supplied) in Dublin 10 from disability benefit to invalidy pension; and if a decision will be made in the matter.

Invalidity pension is payable to insured persons who satisfy the contribution conditions and who are permanently incapable of work.

In February 1987, the person concerned requested that she be transferred from disability benefit to invalidity pension. Her application was disallowed as she was not considered to be permanently incapable of work. She was informed of this decision and notified of her right to appeal. As no appeal was received in the Department, it was considered that she did not wish to pursue her claim to invalidity pension and no further action was taken on her claim.

On 25 March 1988, the person concerned contacted the Department and again requested a transfer from disability benefit to invalidity pension. In connection with her claim to disability benefit, she has been examined on 4 March 1988 by a medical referee who did not consider her to be permanently incapable of work and asked to have her referred for a further examination in four months. A deciding officer decided that she was not, therefore, entitled to invalidity pension.

As she was dissatisfied with this decision, arrangements are being made to have her examined by a different medical referee. Her entitlement to invalidity pension will be reviewed in the light of the report of that examination.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if invalidity pension has yet been awarded to a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny.

Invalidity pension is payable to insured persons who satisfy the contribution conditions and who are permanently incapable of work.

Arrangements have been made to have the person concerned examined by a medical referee on 5 May 1988. His entitlement to invalidity pension will be reviewed in the light of the report of this examination.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the reduction in the invalidity pension of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 8; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The person concerned has been in receipt of invalidity pension since 3 October 1985 and is at present paid at the rate of £58.50 per week, that is £48.50 personal rate and £10 adult dependant alleviation payment.

Regulations provide that an increase of pension is not payable in respect of a child over the age of 18. The daughter of the person concerned attained the age of 18 on 31 October 1987. She could, therefore, no longer be regarded as a child dependant and the pension was reduced accordingly.
