Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 12 Dec 1989

Vol. 394 No. 4

Written Answers. - Sligo General Hospital Extension.


asked the Minister for Health when work will be completed on the extension to Sligo General Hospital; when work will be completed on the fitting out of the extension; and when it is planned to have the extension opened.


asked the Minister for Health the expenditure to date on the extension to Sligo General Hospital; the estimated total cost of finishing the work; and the estimated cost of fitting out the extension and of other consequent changes in the existing building.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 235 and 237 together.

It is expected that the Sligo General Hospital contract will be completed in 1993. Expenditure to date on the project is £14.4 million and the estimated fitting out cost will be of the order of £8 million. It would be premature to give a final total cost figure for the project at this stage.


asked the Minister for Health if any changes or alterations have been made in the plans for the utilisation of the extension being built at Sligo General Hospital from the original concept; and if he will give details of the present plans for the new building.

My Department has approved a proposal from the North Western Health Board to make some changes in the new development to ensure that it will provide a hospital service which will be appropriate for modern needs. These changes include the provision of a programmed investigation unit to provide a variety of day services, a cook-chill central production kitchen for those hospitals in the area and a radiology department which will accommodate C.T. Scanning equipment.
