Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 10 Jul 1990

Vol. 401 No. 4

Written Answers. - Industrial Projects Standards.

Eamon Gilmore


124 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce the measures which have been taken by the industrial development agencies to ensure that the highest environmental standards are maintained by all industrial projects.

Eamon Gilmore


125 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce the special incentive packages, including higher grants, which have been introduced to encourage the location in Ireland of manufacturing and service industries in the environmental technology sector; and the special efforts which have been made by the industrial development agencies to promote Ireland as a base for such industries.

Eamon Gilmore


126 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce the way in which the introduction by industry of clean technologies and low wastage production processes is being promoted and assisted by the IDA, EOLAS and other State agencies.

Eamon Gilmore


127 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if higher rates of industrial grants exist to promote the location in Ireland of industries in environmentally friendly sector; and the amount by which these grants are higher than normal industrial promotion grants.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 124, 125, 126 and 127 together.

As the Deputy is aware environmental impact assessments (EIA) are mandatory since 1 February 1990 for all major developments. By identifying the impact of such developments, the EIA promotes the use of clean technologies and low waste production processes. EOLAS provides consultancy services in relation to process technology and waste minimisation.

It is a condition of all industrial grant agreements that the grant-aided industry meets all statutory requirements in relation to environmental controls and the prevention of pollution. In effect, industrial grants are withheld from companies where environmental discharges are not within acceptable limits.

The industrial development agencies are actively promoting industries in environmentally friendly sectors and in the environmental technology sector. A base of environmental technology and service companies already exists here and efforts are being made to attract other suitable projects.
Determination of the rate of grant payable for a particular project is affected by a variety of factors, principally the likely benefits from it and the need for the grant to ensure implementation. There is no fixed rate of grants for industrial projects generally and hence no specific amount of additional grant is payable in respect of any one specific factor. However, projects having a positive environmental impact will attract more favourable consideration.