Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Nov 1990

Vol. 403 No. 2

Written Answers. - Local Authority Housing Programme.

Joe Sherlock


40 Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for the Environment if it is the Government's intention to increase substantially the amount of capital available for the public housing programme during 1991; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Michael D. Higgins


76 Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for the Environment the total number of local authority houses which will be started in each urban area in 1991; the total number of local authority houses which will be completed in each urban area in 1991; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 40 and 76 together.

The capital allocation for the local authority housing programme will form part of the Public Capital Programme for 1991 which will be published shortly. Individual housing authorities will be notified in the normal way as early as possible in 1991 of their allocations for the year. Pending these allocations, I cannot indicate what housing schemes will be approved to commence next year or the number of houses that will be completed by individual authorities during the year.
