Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 3 Dec 1991

Vol. 413 No. 9

Written Answers. - Departmental Tenders.

Bernard Allen


119 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in Cork, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


120 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Garda station (details supplied) in Cork, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


121 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in Cork, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


122 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in Cork, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


123 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in Dublin 2, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


124 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in Limerick, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


125 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in Dublin 2, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


126 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in Dublin 1, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


127 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a public building (details supplied) in Dublin 8, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


128 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in County Dublin, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


129 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in Dublin 2, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

Bernard Allen


130 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on (1) the allocation of a tender for the supply of blinds in respect of a Government office (details supplied) in County Westmeath, (2) the way the decision was arrived at, (3) the name of the successful firm who were awarded the tender, (4) the price of the contract and (5) whether the successful tender was the lowest tender in this instance; and if the lowest tender was not successful the reasons this occurred.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 119 to 130, inclusive, together.

Due to the nature of the product, the diversity of specifications and the many suppliers, contracts for the provision of window blinds for Government Departments and offices are normally processed under restricted tendering procedures in accordance with the guidelines issued for Government contracts procedures. In compliance with these procedures, selected firms are invited to tender. Lists of such firms are reviewed and updated periodically by the furniture service. The assessment of tenders received is carried out on the basis of price, compliance with specification including standards of workmanship, the quality of components and value for money.

The following are details of the firms which were awarded the contracts in each of the cases referred to in the Deputy's questions:


Firm Awarded Contract

Government Buildings, Sullivan's Cork

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Bandon Garda Station, County Cork

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Labour Exchange, Hanover St., Cork

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Garda Station, Anglesea St., Cork

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Department of Agriculture, Kildare St., Dublin

Paddy Rogers Blinds Ltd.

Labour Exchange, Limerick

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Revenue Commissioners, 85/93 Lr. Mount St., Dublin

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Department of Social Welfare, Store St., Dublin

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

The Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Balbriggan Garda Station, Dublin

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Government Supplies Agency, 4/5 Harcourt Rd., Dublin

Blinds of Ireland Ltd.

Department of Education, Athlone

Advance Blinds Ltd.

The contracts were awarded, in each case to the firm which submitted the lowest suitable tender.
In the interest of confidentiality, the amount of the tenders received for each project may not be revealed.