Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 29 Jan 1992

Vol. 415 No. 1

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Madeleine Taylor-Quinn


229 Mrs. Taylor-Quinn asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will issue a reactor grant to a person (details supplied) in County Clare.

I have been informed by the director of ERAD that the reactor grant due to the person named will be processed for payment as soon as a disinfection certificate is received in the local district veterinary office.

Madeleine Taylor-Quinn


230 Mrs. Taylor-Quinn asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will issue a full cattle headage premium grant to a person (details supplied) in County Clare.

This applicant has already been paid his grants under the 1991 cattle and equines headage. His applications under the 1990 and 1991 suckler cow scheme for small scale milk producers are being processed at present and payments will be made shortly. He has been deemed ineligible for grants under the 1991 special beef premium scheme as (a) he did not maintain all the animals listed on his application for two months or until inspection as required under the terms and conditions of the scheme; (b) he listed a cow on his application form and (c) he also listed on his application an animal on which premium had already been claimed in 1990.

Madeleine Taylor-Quinn


231 Mrs. Taylor-Quinn asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will issue a full cattle headage premium grant to a person (details supplied) in County Clare.

This applicant has already been paid his grants under the 1991 cattle and equines headage and suckler cow premium schemes.

Madeleine Taylor-Quinn


232 Mrs. Taylor-Quinn asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will issue a farm improvement programme grant to a person (details supplied) in County Clare.

The grant will be paid inside the next few weeks.

Madeleine Taylor-Quinn


233 Mrs. Taylor-Quinn asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will issue a farm development grant to a person (details supplied) in County Clare.

This grant will be paid inside the next few weeks.

Madeleine Taylor-Quinn


234 Mrs. Taylor-Quinn asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will issue a full cattle headage premium to a person (details supplied) in County Clare.

This applicant has been requested to submit mart receipts in respect of animals sold and when he does so his application under the 1991 cattle and equines headage scheme will be considered further. His application under the 1991 special beef premium scheme is being processed at present and payment will be made shortly.

Madeleine Taylor-Quinn


235 Mrs. Taylor-Quinn asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will issue a full cattle headage premium to a person (details supplied) in County Clare.

This applicant has already been paid his grants under the 1991 cattle and equines headage and suckler cow premium schemes.
