Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 2 Apr 1992

Vol. 418 No. 2

Written Answers. - Remedial Teacher Appointment.

Donal Carey


57 Mr. Carey asked the Minister for Education if he has received any application from the board of management of a school (details supplied) in County Clare regarding the appointment of a remedial teacher; and if his attention has been drawn to the fact that there are serious educational difficulties being experienced by students in that school.

I have received a request for a remedial teacher from the school in question.

Eighty additional remedial posts serving over 240 schools were allocated in June 1991 as part of arrangements under the Programme for Economic and Social Progress.

These appointments were made following the collection of data and information by my Department's primary inspectorate from schools. The posts were then allocated on the basis of priority of need, as indicated by the information collected by the inspectorate.

The question of further remedial teacher appointments will be kept under review.