Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 29 Oct 1992

Vol. 424 No. 6

Written Answers. - Transfer of Sentenced Persons.

Jim O'Keeffe


63 Mr. J. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for Justice if it is intended to introduce legislation to provide for the enactment of the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons; if so, when; the difficulties, if any, in so doing; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Ireland is a signatory to the Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons which provides a mechanism under which persons imprisoned in foreign countries may be transferred to their own country to serve their sentences where the countries involved are parties to the Convention.

The Government are committed to achieving the humanitarian purpose of the convention but ratification without reservation could create serious difficulties for our prisons in a situation in which there are an estimated 1,000 Irish citizens serving sentences abroad and only about 40 foreign prisoners serving their sentences in this country. I am advised, however, that it would be in order to ratify the convention subject to a reservation relating to the number of transfers that would be granted at any one time and I propose to proceed on that basis. The legislation required to ratify the convention will be prepared as soon as other legislative priorities allow.